How to use Highly Accurate All In One AFL?
Highly Accurate All In One AFL is one of the most accurate Amibroker afl. It gives very accurate signals most of the times. Highly Accurate All In One AFL identifies trend and support resistance levels and generates buy sell signals accordingly. Highly Accurate All In One AFL can be used in any time frame. To avoid false signals, Highly Accurate All In One AFL can be used with any lagging indicator like RSI, MACD, Stochastic to avoid false signals in sideways market.
Highly Accurate All In One AFL |
// _SECTION_BEGIN("MA Diff"); T=26; KMA=((C-MA(C,T))/MA(C,T))*100; Graph0=KMA; Graph0Style=2+4; Graph0BarColor=IIf(KMA>0,5,4); GraphXSpace=5; _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _SECTION_BEGIN("ZIG-ZAG"); P = ParamField( "Price field" ); change = Param("% change",5,0.1,25,0.1); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("EMA"); P = ParamField("Price field",-1); Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("MACD Exploration"); r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 ); r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 ); r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 ); Z=Param("zig",1,0,10,0.1); Cond1 = Cross(MACD(r1,r2),Signal(r1,r2,r3)); Cond3 = Zig(C,z)>Ref(Zig(C,z),-4); Buy = Cond1 AND Cond3; Cond4 = Cross(Signal(r1,r2,r3),MACD(r1,r2)); Cond6 = Zig(C,z)<Ref(Zig(C,z),-4); Sell = Cond4 AND Cond6; Trigger = WriteIf(Buy, "Buy", "") + WriteIf(Sell, "Sell", ""); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} {{DATE}} {{INTERVAL}}: O=%1.2f, H=%1.2f, L=%1.2f, C=%1.2f, V=%1.0f\n{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, V)); BG = IIf(Buy, colorPaleGreen, IIf(Sell, colorRose, colorDefault)); FG = IIf(Buy, colorDarkGreen, IIf(Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault)); if(Status("action") == actionIndicator) { Plot(C, "", colorGrey50, styleBar); //PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeCircle, shapeNone),colorBlue, 0,L, Offset=-60); //PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeCircle, shapeNone),colorBlue, 0,H, Offset=-30); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(Status("action") == actionExplore) Filter = Buy OR Sell; SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True); AddTextColumn(Name(), "Symbol", 77, FG, BG, 120); AddColumn(DateTime(), "Date", formatDateTime, FG, BG, 100); AddColumn(TimeNum() ,"Time",1); AddColumn( C, "Close", 1.3 ); AddColumn( H, "High", 1.3 ); AddColumn(V, "Volume"); AddColumn(Ref(V,-1),"P-Vol"); AddColumn(V/Ref(V,-1)*100,"Increase in Vol"); AddColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1 ); AddColumn( Sell, "Sell", 1 ); shape = Buy * shapeHollowUpTriangle + Sell * shapeHollowDownTriangle; PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorBlue, colorBlue ), 0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) ); GraphXSpace = 7; GraphXSpace = 7; _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("EMA3"); P = ParamField("Price field",-1); Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Background text"); C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 ); C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 ); C15=Param("up-down",12,1,20,1 ); Miny = Status("axisminy"); Maxy = Status("axismaxy"); lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar"); fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar"); pxwidth = Status("pxwidth"); pxheight = Status("pxheight"); GfxSetBkMode(transparent=1); GfxSetOverlayMode(1); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 ); GfxSetTextAlign( 6 ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (217,217,213)); GfxTextOut( Name(), Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103)); GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*2.5 ); GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 ); GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103)); GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 ); GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0); //Second phase starts Here //File: BHS Chart _SECTION_BEGIN("Trading"); //SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorLightYellow)); SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("BackGround Color", colorBlack)); pShowtradeLines = ParamToggle("Show Trade Lines", "No|Yes", 1); pShowMarkers = ParamToggle("Show Markers", "No|Yes", 1); synch=ParamToggle("Synchronize buy/short with foreign index", "No|Yes", 1); Volmin=Param("Volume minimum",5000,0,10000000,50); Volmax=Param("Volume maximum",1000000,0,10000000,50); priceRL=Param("Price Range Min",150,1,20000,1); priceRH=Param("Price Range Max",3000,1,20000,1); PercChangemin=Param("Percentage Change Min set", -25, -100, 100, 0.1); PercChangemax=Param("Percentage Change Max set", 25, -100, 100, 0.1); PerctakeProfit=Param("Take Profit Percent Set",0.6,0.3,30,0.1); PercStoploss=Param("StopLoss Percent Set",0.25,0.2,5,0.1); PlotOHLC(Open,High,Low,Close,"",colorWhite,styleCandle); Bars = 0; xpdh = 90; { Plot_Range = (TimeNum() >= 85500 AND TimeNum()<= 153500) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum())); FH_Range = (TimeNum() >= 085500 AND TimeNum()<= 093000) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum())); FH_Prices = High * FH_Range; FH_Marker = BarsSince(FH_Range>0); Num_Bars = 36000 / Interval(1); TimeFrameSet(inDaily); TOP_ = Open; PDH_ = Ref(High,-1); PDL_ = Ref(Low,-1); PDO_ = Ref(Open,-1); PDC_ = Ref(Close,-1); PDM_ = (PDH_+PDL_)/2; TimeFrameRestore(); isAll = True; isRth = TimeNum() >= 085400 AND TimeNum() <= 093000; isdRth = TimeNum() >= 085400 AND TimeNum() <= 160000; aRthL = IIf(isRth, L, 1000000); aRthH = IIf(isdRth, H, Null); aRthLd = IIf(isdRth, L, 1000000); TOP = TimeFrameExpand(TOP_,inDaily,expandFirst); PDH = TimeFrameExpand(PDH_,inDaily,expandFirst); PDL = TimeFrameExpand(PDL_,inDaily,expandFirst); PDO = TimeFrameExpand(PDO_,inDaily,expandFirst); PDC = TimeFrameExpand(PDC_,inDaily,expandFirst); PDM = TimeFrameExpand(PDM_,inDaily,expandFirst); FHH = Ref(HHV(High*FH_Range,Num_Bars),-FH_Marker); FHL = TimeFrameCompress( aRthL, inDaily, compressLow ); FHL = TimeFrameExpand( FHL, inDaily, expandFirst ); DayH = TimeFrameCompress( aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh ); DayH = TimeFrameExpand( DayH, inDaily, expandFirst ); DayL = TimeFrameCompress( aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow ); DayL = TimeFrameExpand( DayL, inDaily, expandFirst ); FC1=((PDH-PDL)*0.433); FC2=((PDH-PDL)*0.7666); FC3=((PDH-PDL)*1.355); FC4=(FHH-FHL); A=IIf((FC4<=FC1+PDH*0.005),FC1,0); B=IIf((FC4<=FC2+PDH*0.005 AND FC4>FC1+PDH*0.005),FC2,0); Cl=IIf((FC4<=FC3 AND FC4>FC2+PDH*0.005),FC3,0); AF=(A+B+Cl); //foreign _SECTION_BEGIN ("foreign Index bar graph"); Vr=ParamList("Index",List = "^NSEI,^NSEBANK,^CNXIT,^NSMIDCP,RELIANCE.NS,SBIN.NS",0); SetForeign(Vr); HaC =(O+H+L+C)/4; HaO = AMA( Ref( HaC, -1 ), 0.5 ); HaH = Max( H, Max( HaC, HaO) ); HaL = Min( L, Min( HaC, HaO) ); BG3=HHV(LLV(HaL,4)+ATR(4),8); BR3=LLV(HHV(HaH ,4)-ATR(4),8); co = IIf(Hac>BG3 ,colorBrightGreen,IIf(Hac < BR3,colorRed,colorGrey50)); Plot(4, "", Co,styleArea+styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, -1, 100); RestorePriceArrays(); _SECTION_END(); BuyPrice=(DayL+AF); BuyTP1=(BuyPrice+(BuyPrice*(PerctakeProfit/100))); BuyTP2=(C>=BuyTP1); SellPrice=(DayH-AF); SellTP1=(SellPrice-(SellPrice*(PerctakeProfit/100))); SellTP2=(C<=SellTP1); percchange=(((C-TOP)/TOP)*100); Vol=(V>=Volmin AND V<=Volmax); Percentage=(percchange>=PercChangemin AND percchange<=PercChangemax); prc=(C>=priceRL AND C<=priceRH); BuyStop1=(BuyPrice-(BuyPrice*(PercStoploss/100))); BuyStop2=IIf((BuyStop1<=SellPrice) AND SellPrice<=BuyPrice,SellPrice,BuyStop1); SellStop1=(SellPrice+(SellPrice*(PercStoploss/100))); SellStop2=IIf((SellStop1>=BuyPrice) AND SellPrice<=BuyPrice, BuyPrice,SellStop1); BuyStop=IIf((Buy AND NOT BuyTP2),BuyStop2,Null); BuyTP=IIf(Buy AND NOT BuyStop,BuyTP2,Null); Bars = BarsSince(TimeNum() >= 85400 AND TimeNum() < 092900); x0 = BarCount-LastValue(Bars); x1 = BarCount-1; TOP_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(TOP),x1,LastValue(TOP),0); PDH_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDH),x1,LastValue(PDH),0); PDL_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDL),x1,LastValue(PDL),0); PDC_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDC),x1,LastValue(PDC),0); PDM_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(PDM),x1,LastValue(PDM),0); FHH_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(FHH),x1,LastValue(FHH),0); FHL_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(FHL),x1,LastValue(FHL),0); BuyPriceline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(BuyPrice),x1,LastValue(BuyPrice),0); BuyStopline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(BuyStop2),x1,LastValue(BuyStop2),0); BuyTPline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(BuyTP1),x1,LastValue(BuyTP1),0); SellPriceline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(SellPrice),x1,LastValue(SellPrice),0); SellStopline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(SellStop2),x1,LastValue(SellStop2),0); SellTPline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(SellTP1),x1,LastValue(SellTP1),0); DayHline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(DayH),x1,LastValue(DayH),0); DayLline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(DayL),x1,LastValue(DayL),0); Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines,BuyStopline,Null),"BuyStop",colorBrightGreen,styleDots|styleNoRescale| styleNoLine); Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines,SellPriceline,Null),"Short Here",colorRed,styleDots|styleNoRescale); //PlotShapes(IIf(pShowMarkers AND Buy, shapeHollowUpArrow, Null), colorDarkGreen, 0,L,Offset=-30); if( Status("action") == actionIndicator ) ( Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "Trading System" + " - " + Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorYellow)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorYellow) + " - " + Date() +" - "+ EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "-Open="+WriteVal(O,1) + EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "- High= "+ WriteVal(H,1)+ EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "- Low= "+ WriteVal(L,1)+ EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "- Close= "+ WriteVal(C,1)+ EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "- Vol= "+ WriteVal(V,1)+("\n") +WriteIf(Percchange, " % Change = "+(Percchange)+" ","")+" Previous DayHigh="+WriteVal(PDH,1)+", Previous DayLow="+WriteVal(PDL,1)+", Today High="+WriteVal(DayH,1)+", Todays Low="+WriteVal(DayL,1)+ WriteIf(Hac>BG3,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"+Up", WriteIf(Hac<BR3,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"-Down",EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)+"< Flat >"))); GfxSetOverlayMode( mode = 0 ); GfxSelectPen( colorLightBlue, 3 ); GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorLightYellow ); GfxRoundRect( 20, 55, 180, 175, 15, 15 ); GfxSetBkMode(1); GfxSelectFont( "Arial", 10, 700, False ); GfxSetTextColor( colorBrown ); GfxSetTextAlign(0); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellPrice, "TRP level: "+(SellPrice),""), 30, 60); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyPrice, "Buy Above: "+(BuyPrice),""), 30, 75); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyStop2, "Long SL: "+(BuyStop2),""), 30, 90); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(BuyTP1 , "Long Target 1: "+(BuyTP1),""), 30, 105); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellPrice, "Sell Below: "+(SellPrice),""), 30, 120); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellStop2, "Short SL: "+(SellStop2),""), 30, 135); GfxTextOut( WriteIf(SellTP1, "Short Target: "+(SellTP1),""), 30, 150); AddColumn(V,"Volume",1.0); AddColumn(Percchange,"Change %",1.2); AddColumn(BuyPrice,"Buy at",1.2); AddColumn(BuyStop,"Buy Stop at",1.2); AddColumn(BuyTP1,"Buy Profit at",1.2); AddColumn(SellPrice,"Short at",1.2); AddColumn(SellTP1,"Short profit at",1.2); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("short signal"); HaClose=(O+H+L+C)/4; HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ); HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); BG2=HHV(LLV(Low,4)+ATR(4),8); BR2=LLV(HHV(High,4)-ATR(4),8); SetBarFillColor( IIf(O <C, colorSeaGreen,colorOrange) ); k = Optimize("K",Param("K",1.75,1,5,0.25),1,5,0.25); Per= Optimize("atr",Param("atr",10,3,30,1),3,30,1); j=HaClose; nm= (H-L); rfsctor = WMA(nm, PER); revers = K * rfsctor; Trend = 1; NW[0] = 0; for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) { if(Trend[i-1] == 1) { if(j[i] < NW[i-1]) { Trend[i] = -1; NW[i] = j[i] + Revers[i]; } else { Trend[i] = 1; if((j[i] - Revers[i]) > NW[i-1]) { NW[i] = j[i] - Revers[i]; } else { NW[i] = NW[i-1]; } } } if(Trend[i-1] == -1) { if(j[i] > NW[i-1]) { Trend[i] = 1; NW[i] = j[i] - Revers[i]; } else { Trend[i] = -1; if((j[i] + Revers[i]) < NW[i-1]) { NW[i] = j[i] + Revers[i]; } else { NW[i] = NW[i-1]; } } } } Plot(NW, "", IIf(Trend == 1, 6, 4), 4); Buy=Cross(j,nw); Short=Cross(nw,j); Sell=Cross(nw,j); Cover=Cross(j,nw); Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); Short=ExRem(Short,Cover); Cover=ExRem(Cover,Short); //dist = 1.5*ATR(15); for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) { if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "Buy@" + O[ i ], i, L[ i ]-Trend[i], colorDarkBlue, colorYellow ); if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "Sell@" +H[ i ], i-4, L[ i ]+Trend[i], colorRed, colorYellow ); } PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,halow,-30); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeHollowDownTriangle, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,hahigh,-15); PlotShapes(IIf(Cover, shapeHollowUpTriangle, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,halow,-15); PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,hahigh,-30); //-----------end--------------
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