Perfect Bollinger Bands Trading Signals |
// _SECTION_BEGIN("_bollingerbands overlay"); P = ParamField("Price field",-1); Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 ); Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 ); Color = ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey ); Style = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoLabel; bbt = BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ); bbb = BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ); Plot( bbt , "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorBlack, Style ); Plot( bbb , "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorBlack, Style ); PlotOHLC( bbt, bbt, bbb, bbb, "", ColorBlend( Color, colorWhite, 0.9 ), styleNoLabel | styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 ); bbm = (bbb + bbt) / 2; // middle bollingerbands Plot( bbm , "BBMiddle" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorBlack, styleDashed ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Fib Retracements"); fibs = ParamToggle("Plot Fibs","Off|On",1); pctH = Param ("Pivot Hi %", 0.325,0.001,2.0,0.002); HiLB = Param ("Hi LookBack",1,1,BarCount-1,1); pctL = Param ("Pivot Lo %", 0.325,0.001,2.0,0.002); LoLB = Param ("Lo LookBack",1,1,BarCount-1,1); Back = Param ("Extend Left = 2",1,1,500,1); Fwd = Param("Plot Forward", 0, 0, 500, 1); text = ParamToggle("Plot Text","Off|On",1); hts = Param ("Text Shift", -33.5,-50,50,0.10); style =ParamStyle("Line Style",styleLine,styleNoLabel); x = BarIndex(); pRp = PeakBars( H, pctH, 1) == 0; yRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, H, HiLB)); xRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, x, HiLB)); pSp = TroughBars( L, pctL, 1) == 0; ySp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, L, LoLB)); xSp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, x, LoLB)); Delta = yRp0 - ySp0; function fib(ret) { retval = (Delta * ret); Fibval = IIf(ret < 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - retval, IIf(ret < 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + retval,IIf(ret > 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - retval, IIf(ret > 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + retval, Null)))); return FibVal; } x0 = Min(xSp0,xRp0)-Back; x1 = (BarCount -1); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// r236 = fib(0.236); r236I = LastValue (r236,1); r382 = fib(0.382); r382I = LastValue (r382,1); r050 = fib(0.50); r050I = LastValue (r050,1); r618 = fib(0.618); r618I = LastValue (r618,1); r786 = fib(0.786); r786I = LastValue (r786,1); e127 = fib(1.27); e127I = LastValue (e127,1); e162 = fib(1.62); e162I = LastValue (e162,1); e200 = fib(2.00); e200I = LastValue (e200,1); e262 = fib(2.62); e262I = LastValue (e262,1); e424 = fib(4.24); e424I = LastValue (e424,1); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// p00 = IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p00I = LastValue (p00,1); p100 = IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p100I = LastValue (p100,1); color00 =IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,colorLime,colorRed); color100 =IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,colorLime,colorRed); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible"))); fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(fibs==1) { Plot(LineArray(xRp0-Fwd,yRp0,x1,yRp0,Back),"PR",32,8|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); Plot(LineArray(xSp0-Fwd,ySp0,x1,ySp0,Back),"PS",27,8|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd); } prev=AMA2(C,1,0); d=IIf(C>Ref(Max(Max(H,Ref(H,-20)),Max(Ref(H,-10),Ref(H,-15))),-1),Min(Min(L,Ref(L,-20)),Min(Ref(L,-10),Ref(L,-15))), IIf(C<Ref(Min(Min(L,Ref(L,-20)),Min(Ref(L,-10),Ref(L,-15))),-1),Max(Max(H,Ref(H,-20)),Max(Ref(H,-10),Ref(H,-15))),PREV)); a=Cross(Close,d); b=Cross(d,Close); state=IIf(BarsSince(a)<BarsSince(b),1,0); s=state>Ref(state,-1); ss=state<Ref(state,-1); sss=state==Ref(state,-1); col=IIf(state == 1 ,51,IIf(state ==0,4,1)); Plot(C,"",Col,128); PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * s ,6,0,L); PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow *ss ,4,0,H); Buy=S; Sell=SS; Filter = s OR sss OR sss ; AddColumn(C,"close",1.2); AddColumn( IIf( s, 66,1 ), "buy", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (s,colorYellow, colorPink )); AddColumn( IIf( Ss, 83,1 ), "sell", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (Ss,colorPink, colorYellow )); AddColumn( IIf( sss, 87,1 ), "wait", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (sss,colorYellow, colorRed )); _SECTION_BEGIN(""); _N(Title = "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}}: "+_DEFAULT_NAME()+" : {{OHLCX}} {{VALUES}}" +"\n"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+ WriteIf(s,"EXIT all Short positions\nif trading long positions, enter long Now-\nOR at the market price on tomorrow's Open with stop="+EncodeColor(4)+WriteVal(L+.75*ATR(5),1.4)+",","")+ WriteIf(ss,"exit all long positions today with a Market On Close (MOC) order\nOR at the market price on tomorrow's Open with stop="+EncodeColor(4)+WriteVal(Ref(H+.75*ATR(5), -1),1.4)+",","")+ WriteIf( sss ,"No trading signals today.","") ); /* Done by Rajandran R */ /* Author of */ // Paste the code below to your price // //chart somewhere and green ribbon means// //both MACD and ADX trending up so if // //the red ribbon shows up the MACD and /// //the ADX are both trending down. _SECTION_BEGIN("trending ribbon"); uptrend=PDI()>MDI()AND Signal()<MACD(); downtrend=MDI()>PDI()AND Signal()>MACD(); Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon", IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */ styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 ); _SECTION_END();
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