Perfect Trend Zone Magic afl |
// _SECTION_BEGIN("NoName Indicator7"); buycond= Close > Ref( HHV(H,10) , -1 ) ; sellcond = Close < Ref( LLV(L, 4), -1) ; shortcond= Close < Ref( LLV(L,10) , -1 ) ; covercond = Close >Ref( HHV(H, 4 ), -1) ; Buy=buycond; Sell=sellcond ; Short=shortcond; Cover=covercond ; titolo=Param("Grafico Titolo ?",1,0,1,1); tipografico=Param("Candele 64 o Barre 128 ?",64,64,128,64); Buyc=Flip(Buy,Sell); Sellc=Flip(Sell,Buy); Coverc=Flip(Cover,Short); Shortc=Flip(Short,Cover); color=IIf(Buyc ,colorGreen,IIf(Shortc,colorRed,colorWhite)); Plot( IIf(titolo,C,Null) ,"Doppia equity - C",Color,64); Plot( IIf(titolo AND (Buyc OR Shortc),C,Null) ,"",Color,64); eq=Param("equity",1,0,1,1); equi=IIf(eq==0,Null,Equity( )); Buy1=Flip(Buy,Sell); Sell1=Flip(Sell,Buy); Short1=Flip(Short,Cover); Cover1=Flip(Cover,Short); Plot( Equi,"equity",IIf(Buy1 ,colorSkyblue ,IIf(Short1,colorPink ,Null )), styleArea+styleLeftAxisScale); dr = Equi- Highest(Equi); Plot(dr, "Drawdown", colorDarkRed, styleArea+styleLeftAxisScale ); Maxdr=LLV(dr,500); Plot( Maxdr , "Max Drawdown", colorDarkRed, styleLine+styleLeftAxisScale ); _SECTION_END();
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