MACD With Dotted Crossover System

MACD With Dotted Crossover System
MACD With Dotted Crossover System

PeriodFast = Param( "Fast EMA", 3, 2, 200, 1 );
PeriodSlow = Param( "Slow EMA", 34, 2, 200, 1 );
PeriodSignal = Param( "Signal EMA", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
MACDInd = MACD(PeriodFast, PeriodSlow );
SigInd = Signal(PeriodFast, PeriodSlow , PeriodSignal );
HistInd = MACDInd - SigInd ;
_N( macdStr = WriteVal( PeriodFast, 1.0 )+","+WriteVal( PeriodSlow , 1.0 ) );
_N( sigStr = macdStr + ","+WriteVal( PeriodSignal , 1.0 ) );

// Get displayed min and max value of MACD and MACD-H, to rescale it for better visibility
// BarsDisplayed = BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1)  );
BarsDisplayed = IIf( IsEmpty(BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ) ),
                     BarsSince( Status("barvisible") AND NOT Ref(Status("barvisible"),-1) ) );
scMACDMax = LastValue(HHV(Max(MACDInd, sigInd), BarsDisplayed ) );
scMACDMin = LastValue(-HHV(Max(-MACDInd, -sigInd), BarsDisplayed ) );
scaleMACD = Max( abs(scMACDMax), abs(scMACDMin) ); 


scHistMax = LastValue(HHV(HistInd, BarsDisplayed ) );
scHistMin = LastValue(LLV(HistInd, BarsDisplayed ) );
scaleHist = Max( abs(scHistMax), abs(scHistMin) );



//HistColour = IIf( HistInd > Ref(HistInd,-1), ColorRGB(0,120,10), colorCustom13 ); 
//Plot( HistInd, "", HistColour, styleHistogram  | styleThick | styleOwnScale|styleNoLabel, -scaleHist * 1.2, scaleHist * 1.2 );

//Plot( HistInd, "", HistColour, styleDots  | styleThick | styleOwnScale , -scaleHist * 1.2, scaleHist * 1.2 );

Plot( MD*3, "", ColorMD,styleNoLabel|styleThick);
Plot( SD*3 , "", colorGold,styleNoLabel|styleThick|styleDashed);


// Paste the code below to your price chart somewhere and green ribbon means both
// both MACD and ADX trending up so if the red ribbon shows up the MACD and the ADX 
// are both trending down.

_SECTION_BEGIN("trending ribbon");
uptrend=PDI()>MDI()AND Signal()<MACD();
downtrend=MDI()>PDI()AND Signal()>MACD();

//Plot( 5, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon",
//IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

Color00=IIf( uptrend, ColorRGB(10,200,20), ColorRGB(100,10,120));
Plot( 0 , "", Color00,styleNoLabel|styleThick);

Color0=IIf( uptrend, ColorRGB(10,200,20), ColorRGB(30,10,20));
PlotOHLC( 0, 0.5 , -0.5 ,-0.5 , "MACD31016", IIf(0.5 > -0.5 ,Color0,Color0), styleCloud|styleNoLabel);

//////////////////////////////////////////TTM SQUEEZE////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function Momentum( array, period )
  return array - Ref( array, -period );

chanPeriod     = Param("Channel Period", 20);
bolBandStdDev  = Param("Bollinger Band StdDev",2);
keltStdDev     = Param("Keltner Band StdDev",1.5);
momPeriod      = Param("Momemtum Period", 12 );
momEMA         = Param("Momentum EMA Period", 5);

highBBChl = BBandTop( C, chanPeriod, bolBandStdDev);
lowBBChl  = BBandBot( C, chanPeriod, bolBandStdDev); 

centerLine = MA( C, chanPeriod );
highKeltn  = centerLine + keltStdDev * ATR(chanPeriod);
lowKeltn   = centerLine - keltStdDev * ATR(chanPeriod);

momHist = EMA(Momentum(C, momPeriod),momEMA);

BBUp  = IIf(highBBChl > highKeltn AND momHist > 0, momHist, 0);
BBDo  = IIf(lowBBChl < lowKeltn AND momHist < 0, momHist, 0);
BBMid = IIf(BBUp == 0 AND BBDo == 0, momHist, 0);

Buy  = BBUp; 
Sell = BBDo; 

Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

Plot(BBUp, "TTM Squeeze - Momentum Up", ColorA,styleHistogram  | styleThick|styleNoLabel);
Plot(BBUp, "TTM Squeeze - Momentum Up", ColorA,styleThick  | styleThick|styleNoLabel);

Plot(BBDo, "Momentum Down", ColorB, styleHistogram  | styleThick|styleNoLabel);
Plot(BBDo, "Momentum Down", ColorB, styleThick  | styleThick|styleNoLabel);

Plot(BBMid, "Momentum Mid", IIf(BBMid > 0, colorLightBlue, colorBrown), styleHistogram  | styleThick|styleNoLabel);
Plot(BBMid, "Momentum Mid", IIf(BBMid > 0, colorLightBlue, colorBrown), styleThick  | styleThick|styleNoLabel);

PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow*Buy, colorBrightGreen,0, 0, 0); 
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow*Sell, colorRed,0, 0, 0); 

Buy=Cross(MD,SD) AND SD>=Ref(SD,-1);
Sell=Cross(SD,MD) AND SD<=Ref(SD,-1);

Filter =(Buy AND BBDo>=Ref(BBDo,-1)AND BBDo<-30) OR (Sell AND BBUp<=Ref(BBUp,-1)AND BBUp>30);
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