Modified Butterfly Pattern Detector |
// SetOption("RefreshWhenCompleted", True ); _SECTION_BEGIN("Basic Chart"); BringPatternToFront = ParamToggle("Bring Pattern To Front ", "Yes|No" ); if(BringPatternToFront ==1) { Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ),ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); } OpenPct = (Open - Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100 ; HighPct = (H - Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100 ; LowPct = (L - Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100 ; ClosePct = (C - Ref(C,-1))/Ref(C,-1)*100 ; VolPct = (V - Ref(V,-1))/Ref(V,-1)*100 ; _N(Title =Name() + " " + FullName() + " Date: "+Date() +WriteIf(Open>Ref(C,-1),EncodeColor(colorGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+" Open:"+ WriteVal( Open, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(OpenPct ,1.2) +"%)" +WriteIf(H>Ref(C,-1),EncodeColor(colorGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ " H:" + WriteVal( H , 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(HighPct ,1.2) +"%)" +WriteIf(L>Ref(C,-1),EncodeColor(colorGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+" L:"+ WriteVal( L, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(LowPct ,1.2) +"%)" +WriteIf(C>Ref(C,-1),EncodeColor(colorGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+" C:"+ WriteVal( C, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(ClosePct ,1.2) +"%)" +WriteIf(V>Ref(V,-1),EncodeColor(colorGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+" V: "+ WriteVal( V, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(VolPct ,1.2) +"%)") ; ShowToolTip =0; if( ShowToolTip == 0) { ToolTip= "Open: "+ WriteVal( Open, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(OpenPct ,1.2) +"%)" +"\nHigh : "+ WriteVal( H , 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(HighPct ,1.2) +"%)" +"\nLow : "+ WriteVal( L, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(LowPct ,1.2) +"%)" +"\nClose: "+ WriteVal( C, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(ClosePct ,1.2) +"%)" +"\nVolume: "+ WriteVal( V, 1.2 ) +" ("+WriteVal(VolPct ,1.2) +"%)" ; } lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar"); fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar"); VisibleBars= Min( Lvb - fvb, BarCount - fvb ); //"VisibleBars= "+VisibleBars; ShowAuthorName = ParamToggle("Show Author Name", "Yes|No" ); if (ShowAuthorName ==0) { GfxSelectFont("ARIAL", 16, 800 ); GfxSetBkMode(1); GfxSetTextColor(colorBrown); GfxTextOut("", 5 , 10); } SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Bg Top Color", colorWhite), ParamColor("Bg Bottom Color", colorWhite), ParamColor("Title Block Color",colorWhite)); GraphXSpace = Param("Vertical Zoom Out",2,-50,200,0.5); _SECTION_END(); //Eof Basic Chart Buy = BuyEma = BuyStc = Buyengulf = BuySwing3days = buyRsiCciVol = BuyBBand = buyFibo =0; Sell = SellEma = SellStc = Sellengulf = SellSwing3days = sellRsiCciVol = sellBBand = sellFibo =0; printf( Name()+" "+FullName()+"\n"); _SECTION_BEGIN("Last 4 Days Zigzag Lines"); Linestyle1 = ParamStyle("Line Style1",styleThick ,styleDots|styleLine|styleDashed|styleThick ); ZigzagChange = Param ("Zigzag Change %", 5,0.5,100.0,0.5); "Zigzag Change Sensitivity = "+ ZigzagChange +" %\n"; bi = BarIndex(); x0_1st = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 1)); y0_1st = LastTop1st = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,1)); x1_1st = x1_0th = LastValue(bi); y1_1st = LastValue(L); x1_0th = LastValue(bi); y1_0th = LastValue(L); LLValueBarNumber = BarCount - x0_1st; LLValue = LastValue( LLV(L, LLValueBarNumber )); LLVBar = LLVBars( L, LLValueBarNumber ); y1_1st = LLValue ; x1_1st = LastValue(ValueWhen( LLValue == L, BarIndex(), 1)); x1_0th = LastValue(bi); y1_0th = LastValue(L); x0_2nd = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 1)); y0_2nd = LastTop2nd = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,1)); x1_2nd = x0_1st; y1_2nd = LastTop2nd = y0_1st; x0_3rd = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_3rd = LastTop3rd = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_3rd = x0_2nd ; y1_3rd = LastTop3rd = y0_2nd ; if(x0_3rd > x1_3rd ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_3rd = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_3rd = LastTop3rd = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_3rd < x1_3rd ) i=10 ; } } x0_4th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_4th= LastTop4th= LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_4th= x0_3rd ; y1_4th= LastTop4th= y0_3rd ; if(x0_4th> x1_4th) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_4th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_4th= LastTo=p4th= LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_4th< x1_4th) i=10 ; } } x0_5th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_5th = LastTop5th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_5th = x0_4th; y1_5th = LastTop5th = y0_4th; if(x0_5th > x1_5th ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_5th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_5th = LastTop5th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_5th < x1_5th ) i=10 ; } } x0_6th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_6th= LastTop6th= LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_6th= x0_5th ; y1_6th= LastTop6th= y0_5th ; if(x0_6th> x1_6th) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_6th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_6th= LastTo=p6th= LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_6th< x1_6th) i=10 ; } } x0_7th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_7th = LastTop7th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_7th = x0_6th; y1_7th = LastTop7th = y0_6th; if(x0_7th > x1_7th ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_7th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_7th = LastTop7th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_7th < x1_7th ) i=10 ; } } x0_8th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_8th= LastTop8th= LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_8th= x0_7th ; y1_8th= LastTop8th= y0_7th ; if(x0_8th> x1_8th) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_8th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_8th= LastTo=p8th= LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_8th< x1_8th) i=10 ; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(x0_2nd > x1_2nd ) { x0_1st = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 1)); y0_1st = LastTop1st = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,1)); y1_1st = LastValue(H); HHValueBarNumber = BarCount - x0_1st; HHValue = LastValue( HHV(H, HHValueBarNumber )); HHVBar = HHVBars( H, HHValueBarNumber); y1_1st = HHValue ; x1_1st = LastValue(ValueWhen( HHValue == H, BarIndex(), 1)); x1_0th = LastValue(bi); y1_0th = LastValue(L); x0_2nd = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 1)); y0_2nd = LastTop2nd = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,1)); x1_2nd = x0_1st; y1_2nd = LastTop2nd = y0_1st; x0_3rd = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_3rd = LastTop3rd = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_3rd = x0_2nd ; y1_3rd = LastTop3rd = y0_2nd ; if(x0_3rd > x1_3rd ) { for (i = ZigzagChange ; i >= 0; i--) { x0_3rd = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_3rd = LastTop3rd = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_3rd < x1_3rd ) i=0 ; } } x0_4th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 1)); y0_4th= LastTop4th= LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,1)); x1_4th= x0_3rd ; y1_4th= LastTop4th= y0_3rd ; if(x0_4th == x1_3rd ) { for (i = ZigzagChange ; i >= 0; i--) { x0_4th= (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange -i , 2)); y0_4th= LastTop4th= LastValue(Peak( H,ZigzagChange - i ,2)); if(x0_4th < x1_3rd ) i=0 ; } } x0_5th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_5th = LastTop5th = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_5th = x0_4th ; y1_5th = LastTop5th = y0_4th ; if(x0_5th > x1_5th ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_5th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_5th = LastTop5th = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_5th < x1_5th ) i=10 ; } } x0_6th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_6th = LastTop6th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_6th = x0_5th ; y1_6th = LastTop6th = y0_5th ; if(x0_6th > x1_6th ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_6th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_6th = LastTop6th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_6th < x1_6th ) i=10 ; } } x0_7th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_7th = LastTop7th = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_7th = x0_6th ; y1_7th = LastTop7th = y0_6th ; if(x0_7th > x1_7th ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_7th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(TroughBars( L, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_7th = LastTop7th = LastValue(Trough( L, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_7th < x1_7th ) i=10 ; } } x0_8th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , 2)); y0_8th = LastTop8th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,2)); x1_8th = x0_7th; y1_8th = LastTop8th = y0_7th; if(x0_8th > x1_8th ) { for (i = 3; i <= 10; i++) { x0_8th = (BarCount -1) - LastValue(PeakBars( H, ZigzagChange , i)); y0_8th = LastTop8th = LastValue(Peak( H, ZigzagChange ,i)); if(x0_8th < x1_8th ) i=10 ; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen = ParamToggle("Show Analysis On Main Screen ", "Yes|No" ); TargetPosition = Param ("Target Position ", 2,1,40,1); TargetPosition = BarCount + TargetPosition ; GfxSelectFont("ARIAL", 12, 800 ); ShowLabels = ParamToggle("Show Zigzag Labels ", "Yes|No" ); FindLastTrueHiLow = ParamToggle("Find Last True Hi Low ", "Yes|No" ); ReReadPattern = ParamToggle("Re-Read Pattern ", "Yes|No" ); ShowSuppRes1 = ParamToggle("Show Supp & Res Lines1", "Yes|No" ); ShowSuppRes2 = ParamToggle("Show Supp & Res Lines2", "Yes|No" ); ShowXYvalues = 1; pk=PeakBars(H,ZigzagChange)==0; tr=TroughBars(L,ZigzagChange)==0; ZigzagHi=Zig(H,ZigzagChange); ZigzagLo=Zig(L,ZigzagChange); Avg=(ZigzagHi+ZigzagLo)/2; x=IIf(pk,ZigzagHi,IIf(tr,ZigzagLo,IIf(Avg>Ref(Avg,-1),H,L))); ZigzagHiLo=Zig(x,ZigzagChange); bar1 = bar2 = bar3 = bar4 = bar5 = 1; DownTrend =0; x1_1st = x1_0th = BarCount-1; y1_1st = y1_0th = LastValue(L); if(LastValue( ZigzagHiLo) > LastValue( Ref(ZigzagHiLo,-1))) { DownTrend =1; y1_1st = y1_0th = LastValue(H); } NoValidTrend = _x0_5th =_x0_4th = 0; if (DownTrend == 1 OR DownTrend == 0) { for (bar1= 1; bar1< BarCount; bar1++ ) { x0_1st = x1_2nd = BarCount - bar1-1; // if( DownTrend == 1 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar1] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar1-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar1-1] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar1-2] OR DownTrend == 1 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar1])) { y0_1st = y1_2nd = L[ BarCount-bar1-1]; // if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_1st = x1_2nd = "+x0_1st); printf( "\n y0_1st = y1_2nd = "+y0_1st ); printf("\n aaaa exit = 1"); printf( "\n"); } bar2 = bar1; bar1 = BarCount; if(FindLastTrueHiLow == 0) { HHValueBarNumber = BarCount - x0_1st; HHValue = LastValue( HHV(H, HHValueBarNumber )); HHVBar = HHVBars( H, HHValueBarNumber); y1_1st = HHValue ; x1_1st = LastValue(ValueWhen( HHValue == H, BarIndex(), 1)); x1_0th = LastValue(bi); y1_0th = LastValue(L); } } if( DownTrend == 0 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar1] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar1-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar1-1] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar1-2] OR DownTrend == 0 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar1])) { y0_1st = y1_2nd = H[ BarCount-bar1-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_1st = x1_2nd = "+x0_1st); printf( "\n y0_1st = y1_2nd = "+y0_1st); printf("\n bbbb exit = 1"); printf( "\n"); } bar2 = bar1; bar1 = BarCount; if(FindLastTrueHiLow == 0) { LLValueBarNumber = BarCount - x0_1st; LLValue = LastValue( LLV(L, LLValueBarNumber )); LLVBar = LLVBars( L, LLValueBarNumber ); y1_1st = LLValue ; x1_1st = LastValue(ValueWhen( LLValue == L, BarIndex(), 1)); y1_0th = LastValue(H); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------- for (bar2= bar2+1; bar2< BarCount; bar2++ ) { x0_2nd = x1_3rd = BarCount-bar2-1; if( DownTrend == 1 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar2] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar2-1] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2-2] OR DownTrend == 1 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2-2])) { y0_2nd = y1_3rd = H[ BarCount-bar2-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_2nd = x1_3rd = "+x0_2nd ); printf( "\n y0_2nd = y1_3rd = "+y0_2nd); printf("\n aaa exit = 2"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2])) { x0_2nd= x0_1st; y0_2nd= y0_1st; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar3 = bar2; bar2 = BarCount; } if( DownTrend == 0 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar2] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar2-1] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2-2] OR DownTrend == 0 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2])) { y0_2nd = y1_3rd = L[ BarCount-bar2-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_2nd = x1_3rd = "+x1_2nd ); printf( "\n y0_2nd = y1_3rd = "+y0_2nd); printf("\n bbb exit = 2"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar2])) { x0_2nd= x0_1st; y0_2nd= y0_1st; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar3 = bar2; bar2 = BarCount; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- for (bar3= bar3+1; bar3< BarCount; bar3++ ) { x0_3rd = x1_4th = BarCount-bar3-1; if( DownTrend == 1 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar3] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar3-1] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3-2] OR DownTrend == 1 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3-2])) { y0_3rd = y1_4th = L[ BarCount-bar3-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_3rd = x1_4th = "+ x0_3rd); printf( "\n y0_3rd = y1_4th = "+y0_3rd); printf("\n aaa exit = 3"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3])) { x0_3rd= x0_2nd; y0_3rd= y0_2nd; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar4 = bar3; bar3 = BarCount; } if( DownTrend == 0 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar3] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar3-1] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3-2] OR DownTrend == 0 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3])) { y0_3rd = y1_4th = H[ BarCount-bar3-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_3rd = x1_4th = "+x0_3rd); printf( "\n y0_3rd = y1_4th = "+y0_3rd ); printf("\n bbb exit = 3"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar3])) { x0_3rd= x0_2nd; y0_3rd= y0_2nd; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar4 = bar3; bar3 = BarCount; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- for (bar4= bar4+1; bar4< BarCount; bar4++ ) { x0_4th = x1_5th = BarCount-bar4-1; if( DownTrend == 1 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar4] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar4-1] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4-2] OR DownTrend == 1 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4-2])) { y0_4th = y1_5th = H[ BarCount-bar4-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_4th = x1_5th = "+x0_4th); printf( "\n y0_4th = y1_5th = "+y0_4th ); printf("\n aaa exit = 4" ); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4])) { x0_4th= x0_3rd; y0_4th= y0_3rd; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar5 = bar4; bar4 = BarCount; } if( DownTrend == 0 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar4] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar4-1] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4-2] OR DownTrend == 0 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4])) { y0_4th = y1_5th = L[ BarCount-bar4-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_4th = x1_5th = "+x0_4th); printf( "\n y0_4th = y1_5th = "+y0_4th); printf("\n bbb exit = 4"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar4])) { _x0_4th= x0_3rd; x0_4th= x0_3rd; y0_4th= y0_3rd; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar5 = bar4; bar4 = BarCount; } } //----------------------------------------------------------- for (bar5= bar5+1; bar5< BarCount; bar5++ ) { x0_5th = BarCount-bar5-1; if( DownTrend == 1 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar5] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar5-1] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5-2] OR DownTrend == 1 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5-2])) { y0_5th = L[ BarCount-bar5-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_5th = x1_6th = "+x0_5th); printf( "\n y0_5th = y1_6th = "+y0_5th); printf("\n aaa exit = 5"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5])) { x0_5th = x0_4th; y0_5th = y0_4th; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar5 = BarCount; } if( DownTrend == 0 AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar5] < ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5-1] AND ZigzagHiLo [BarCount-bar5-1] > ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5-2] OR DownTrend == 0 AND IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5])) { y0_5th = H[ BarCount-bar5-1]; if(ShowXYvalues == 0) { printf("\n x0_5th = x1_6th = "+x0_5th); printf( "\n y0_5th = y1_6th = "+y0_5th ); printf("\n bbb exit = 5"); printf( "\n"); } if(IsEmpty(ZigzagHiLo[BarCount-bar5])) { _x0_5th = x0_5th; x0_5th = x0_4th; y0_5th = y0_4th; NoValidTrend = NoValidTrend + 1; } bar5 = BarCount; } } } if(ReReadPattern == 0) { x0_6th = x0_5th ; y0_6th = y0_5th ; x1_6th = x1_5th ; y1_6th = y1_5th ; x0_5th = x0_4th; y0_5th = y0_4th; x1_5th = x1_4th; y1_5th = y1_4th; x0_4th = x0_3rd; y0_4th = y0_3rd; x1_4th = x1_3rd; y1_4th = y1_3rd; x0_3rd = x0_2nd; y0_3rd = y0_2nd; x1_3rd = x1_2nd; y1_3rd = y1_2nd; x0_2nd = x0_1st; y0_2nd = y0_1st; x1_2nd = x1_1st; y1_2nd = y1_1st; x0_1st = x1_1st; y0_1st = y1_1st; x1_1st = x1_0th; y1_1st = y1_0th; } _SECTION_END(); //Eof Last 4 Days Zigzag Lines _SECTION_BEGIN("Fibonacci Signals"); Wave_1st = abs(y1_1st - y0_1st) ; Wave_2nd = abs(y0_2nd - y1_2nd) ; Wave_3rd = abs(y1_3rd - y0_3rd) ; Wave_4th = abs(y0_4th - y1_4th) ; Wave_5th = abs(y1_5th - y0_5th) ; _SECTION_END(); //Eof Fibonacci Signals ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _SECTION_BEGIN("Completed Harmonic Trader"); Level_382 = 0.382; Level_500 = 0.500; Level_618 = 0.618; Level_786 = 0.786; Level_886 = 0.886; Level_127 = 1.27; Level_1618 = 1.618; xa = Wave_5th ; ab = Wave_4th ; bc = Wave_3rd ; Cd = Wave_2nd ; ad = y1_5th - y1_2nd ; A_price = y1_5th; D_price = Y0_1st; ab_of_xa = ab/xa ; bc_of_ab = bc/ab ; Cd_of_bc = Cd/bc ; ad_of_xa = ad/xa ; DE = abs(y0_1st - y1_1st); showlengthXABCD = ParamToggle("Show Side Length of XABCD ", "Yes|No" ); if (showlengthXABCD ==0) { printf("\nCompleted Pattern info:" ); printf("\nXA = "+xa ); printf("\nAB = "+ab + " ("+WriteVal(ab_of_xa,1.2)+"%% of XA)"); printf("\nBC = "+bc + " ("+WriteVal(bc_of_ab,1.2)+"%% of AB)"); printf("\nCD = "+Cd + " ("+WriteVal(Cd_of_bc,1.2)+"%% of BC)"); printf("\nAD = "+Cd + " ("+WriteVal(ad_of_xa,1.2)+"%% of XA)"); printf("\nDE = "+ WriteVal(de,1.2) + " ("+WriteVal(de/Cd,1.2)+"%% of CD)\n"); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ XX = x0_5th; XY = y0_5th; AX = x0_4th; AY = y0_4th; BX = x0_3rd; BY = y0_3rd; CX = x0_2nd; CY = y0_2nd; DX = x1_2nd; DY = y1_2nd; Tolerance = 0.1; ButterflyCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_786- Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa <= Level_786+ Tolerance); ButterflyCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + Tolerance); ButterflyCondition3 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_127 ) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_1618); ButterflyCondition4 = (-ad_of_xa)> Level_1618; ButterflyCondition5 = (ad_of_xa >= Level_127 ) AND (ad_of_xa <= Level_1618); ButterflyCondition6 = (ad_of_xa) > Level_1618; CompletedButterflyBearishPattern = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition3 ; CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition4 ; CompletedButterflyBullishPattern = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition5 ; CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition6 ; CompletedButterflyTargetPrice1 = IIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618 , D_price + CD * Level_618) ; CompletedButterflyTargetPrice2 = IIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127 , D_price + CD * Level_127) ; CompletedButterflyTargetPrice3 = IIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618 , D_price + CD * Level_1618) ; CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct1 = (CompletedButterflyTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct2 = (CompletedButterflyTargetPrice2 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct3 = (CompletedButterflyTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Tolerance = 0.05; CrabCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa < Level_618 + Tolerance); CrabCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + Tolerance); CrabCondition3 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_127 ) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_1618 ); CrabCondition4 = (-ad_of_xa) > Level_1618 ; CrabCondition5 = (ad_of_xa >= Level_127 ) AND (ad_of_xa <= Level_1618 ); CrabCondition6 = (ad_of_xa) > Level_1618 ; CompletedCrabBearishPattern = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition3 ; CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition4 ; CompletedCrabBullishPattern = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition5 ; CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition6 ; CompletedCrabTargetPrice1 = IIf(CompletedCrabBearishPattern OR CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618 , D_price + CD * Level_618) ; CompletedCrabTargetPrice2 = IIf(CompletedCrabBearishPattern OR CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127 , D_price + CD * Level_127) ; CompletedCrabTargetPrice3 = IIf(CompletedCrabBearishPattern OR CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618 , D_price + CD * Level_1618) ; CompletedCrabTargetPricePct1 = (CompletedCrabTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedCrabTargetPricePct2 = (CompletedCrabTargetPrice2 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedCrabTargetPricePct3 = (CompletedCrabTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Tolerance = 0.05; GartleyCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_618 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa < Level_618 + Tolerance); GartleyCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + Tolerance); GartleyCondition3 = (-ad_of_xa > Level_786- Tolerance) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_786 + Tolerance); GartleyCondition4 = -ad_of_xa > Level_786 AND -ad_of_xa < Level_1618; GartleyCondition5 = (ad_of_xa >= Level_786- Tolerance) AND (ad_of_xa <= Level_786); GartleyCondition6 = ad_of_xa > Level_786 AND ad_of_xa < Level_1618; CompletedGartleyBearishPattern = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition3 ; CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition4 ; CompletedGartleyBullishPattern = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition5 ; CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition6 ; CompletedGartleyTargetPrice1 = IIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618 , D_price + CD * Level_618) ; CompletedGartleyTargetPrice2 = IIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127, D_price + CD * Level_127) ; CompletedGartleyTargetPrice3 = IIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618 , D_price + CD * Level_1618) ; CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct1 = (CompletedGartleyTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct2 = (CompletedGartleyTargetPrice2 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct3 = (CompletedGartleyTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Tolerance = 0.1; BatCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa < Level_500 + Tolerance); BatCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + Tolerance); BatCondition3 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_886- Tolerance) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_886); BatCondition4 = -ad_of_xa > Level_886 AND -ad_of_xa < Level_127; BatCondition5 = (ad_of_xa >= Level_886- Tolerance) AND (ad_of_xa <= Level_886); BatCondition6 = ad_of_xa > Level_886 AND ad_of_xa < Level_127; CompletedBatBearishPattern = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition3 ; CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition4 ; CompletedBatBullishPattern = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition5 ; CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition6 ; CompletedBatTargetPrice1 = IIf(CompletedBatBearishPattern OR CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618 , D_price + CD * Level_618) ; CompletedBatTargetPrice2 = IIf(CompletedBatBearishPattern OR CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127 , D_price + CD * Level_127) ; CompletedBatTargetPrice3 = IIf(CompletedBatBearishPattern OR CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618 , D_price + CD * Level_1618) ; CompletedBatTargetPricePct1 = (CompletedBatTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedBatTargetPricePct2 = (CompletedBatTargetPrice2 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; CompletedBatTargetPricePct3 = (CompletedBatTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ NoValidCompletedPattern = CompletedButterflyBearishPattern ==0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPattern ==0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPattern ==0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPattern ==0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPattern ==0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPattern ==0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedBatBearishPattern ==0 AND CompletedBatBullishPattern ==0 AND CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended ==0; ShowInvalidCompletedPattern = 0; ShowEliotWavelines =0; x = y0_5th; y = y0_4th; Bear = y0_5th > y0_4th; TextPositionX = y0_5th * -.03; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionX = y0_5th * .01; if(TextPositionX > 1) TextPositionX = 1; if(TextPositionX < -1) TextPositionX = -1; TextPositionA = y0_4th * .01; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionA = y0_4th * -.05; if(TextPositionA > 1) TextPositionA = 1; if(TextPositionA < -1.5) TextPositionA = -1.5; TextPositionB = y0_3rd * -.03; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionB = y0_3rd * .01; if(TextPositionB > 1) TextPositionB = 1; if(TextPositionB < -1.5) TextPositionB = -1.5; TextPositionC = y0_2nd * .01; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionC = y0_2nd * -.05; if(TextPositionC > 1) TextPositionC = 1; if(TextPositionC < -1.5) TextPositionC = -1.5; TextPositionD = y0_1st * -.03; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionD = y0_1st * .01; if(TextPositionD > 1) TextPositionD = 1; if(TextPositionD < -1.5) TextPositionD = -1.5; TextPositionE = y1_1st * .01; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionE = y1_1st * -.03; if(TextPositionE > 1) TextPositionE = 1; if(TextPositionE < -1.5) TextPositionE = -1.5; Color1 = ParamColor("Color XABCD Main Line",colorBlue); ColorUp = ParamColor("Last Leg (DE) Color if up",colorBrightGreen); ColorDown = ParamColor("Last Leg (DE) Color if Down",colorRed); ColorXB = ParamColor("Color XB Dashed Line",colorBlack); ColorAC = ParamColor("Color AC Dashed Line",colorBlack); ColorBD = ParamColor("Color BD Dashed Line",colorBlack); if (ShowInvalidCompletedPattern ==1 OR NoValidCompletedPattern ==0) { PlotText("X",x0_5th , y0_5th +TextPositionX , colorViolet ); PlotText("A",x0_4th , y0_4th +TextPositionA , colorViolet ); PlotText("B",x0_3rd , y0_3rd +TextPositionB , colorViolet ); PlotText("C",x0_2nd , y0_2nd +TextPositionC , colorViolet ); PlotText("D",x0_1st , y0_1st +TextPositionD , colorViolet ); PlotText("E",x1_1st , y1_1st +TextPositionE , colorViolet ); Plot (LineArray(x0_5th , y0_5th , x1_5th , y1_5th ),"XA",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_4th , y1_4th ),"AB",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd , y0_3rd , x1_3rd , y1_3rd ),"BC",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_2nd , y0_2nd , x1_2nd , y1_2nd ),"CD",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_1st , y0_1st , x1_1st , y1_1st ),"DE",IIf(y1_2nd > y1_1st,ColorDown ,ColorUp ) ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x1_1st , y1_1st , x1_0th , y1_0th ),"DE+",colorViolet ,styleLine +styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_3rd , y1_3rd ),"AC",ColorAC , styleDashed +styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd , y0_3rd , x1_2nd , y1_2nd ),"BD",ColorBD , styleDashed +styleNoTitle ); Plot (LineArray(x0_5th , y0_5th , x1_4th , y1_4th ),"XB",ColorXB , styleDashed +styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_5th , y0_5th , x1_2nd , y1_2nd ),"XD",ColorXB , styleDashed +styleNoTitle); } if (ShowEliotWavelines ==1) { Plot (LineArray(x1_1st , y1_1st , x1_0th , y1_0th ),"1st Top",Color2 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_1st , y0_1st , x1_1st , y1_1st ),"1st Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_2nd , y0_2nd , x1_2nd , y1_2nd ),"2nd Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd , y0_3rd , x1_3rd , y1_3rd ),"3rd Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_4th , y1_4th ),"4th Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_5th , y0_5th , x1_5th , y1_5th ),"5th Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_6th , y0_6th , x1_6th , y1_6th ),"6th Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_7th , y0_7th , x1_7th , y1_7th ),"7th Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_8th , y0_8th , x1_8th , y1_8th ),"8th Top",Color3 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); } printf(WriteIf(NoValidCompletedPattern ,"\nNo valid Completed Harmonic Pattern is available","" ) ); Separator = "\n-------------------------------"; if (ShowInvalidCompletedPattern ==1 OR NoValidCompletedPattern ==0) { if (ShowLabels ==0 ) { XXDtextPosition = (dx - xx)/2 + xx; YXDtextPosition = (dy - xy)/2 + xy; XXBtextPosition = (bx - xx)/2 + xx; YXBtextPosition = (by - xy)/2 + xy; XACtextPosition = (cx - ax)/2 + ax; YACtextPosition = (cy - ay)/2 + ay; XBDtextPosition = (dx - bx)/2 + bx; YBDtextPosition = (dy - by)/2 + by; PlotText(WriteIf(ad_of_xa<0, WriteVal(-ad_of_xa*100,1.2),WriteVal(ad_of_xa*100,1.2) ),XXDtextPosition , YXDtextPosition , colorViolet ); PlotText(WriteVal(ab_of_xa*100,1.1),XXBtextPosition , YXBtextPosition , colorViolet ); PlotText(WriteVal(bc_of_ab*100,1.1),XACtextPosition , YACtextPosition , colorViolet ); PlotText(WriteVal(cd_of_bc*100,1.1),XBDtextPosition , YBDtextPosition , colorViolet ); } if (ShowSuppRes1 ==0 ) { Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , BarCount , y0_4th ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_2nd, y0_2nd, BarCount , y0_2nd),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_3rd , y1_3rd,1 ),"AC",ColorXB , styleDashed + styleNoTitle); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_2nd,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_2nd, colorViolet ); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_4th ,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_4th , colorViolet ); } if (ShowSuppRes2 ==0 ) { Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd , y0_3rd , BarCount , y0_3rd ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_5th , y0_5th , BarCount , y0_5th ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_5th , y0_5th , x1_4th , y1_4th ,1 ),"AC",ColorAC , styleDashed + styleNoTitle); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_5th ,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_5th , colorViolet ); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_3rd ,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_3rd , colorViolet ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(CompletedButterflyBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Butterfly Bullish (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedButterflyBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Butterfly Bearish (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Butterfly Bullish Extended (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Butterfly Bearish Extended (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedButterflyBullishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBearishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended) { PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedButterflyTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPrice2,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedButterflyTargetPrice2, colorViolet ); PlotText("T3: "+WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPrice3,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedButterflyTargetPrice3, colorViolet ); } } printf("\n"); printf(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Butterfly Bullish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Butterfly Bearish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Butterfly Bullish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Butterfly Bearish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBullishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBearishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n2- "+WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPrice2,1.2) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct2,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target ", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n3- "+WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPrice3,1.2 ) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct3,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedButterflyTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target ", "")),"")); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(CompletedCrabBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Crab Bullish (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedCrabBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Crab Bearish (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Crab Bullish Extended (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Crab Bearish Extended (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedCrabBullishPattern OR CompletedCrabBearishPattern OR CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended) { PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedCrabTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPrice2,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedCrabTargetPrice2, colorViolet ); PlotText("T3: "+WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPrice3,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedCrabTargetPrice3, colorViolet ); } } printf(WriteIf(CompletedCrabBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Crab Bullish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedCrabBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Crab Bearish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Crab Bullish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Crab Bearish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedCrabBullishPattern OR CompletedCrabBearishPattern OR CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n2- "+WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPrice2,1.2) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct2,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n3- "+WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPrice3,1.2 ) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct3,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedCrabTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target ", "")),"")); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(CompletedBatBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Bat Bullish (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedBatBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Bat Bearish (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Bat Bullish Extended (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Bat Bearish Extended (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedBatBullishPattern OR CompletedBatBearishPattern OR CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended) { PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedBatTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPrice2,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedBatTargetPrice2, colorViolet ); PlotText("T3: "+WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPrice3,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedBatTargetPrice3, colorViolet ); } } printf(WriteIf(CompletedBatBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Bat Bullish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedBatBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Bat Bearish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Bat Bullish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Bat Bearish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedBatBullishPattern OR CompletedBatBearishPattern OR CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedBatBearishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedBatBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n2- "+WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPrice2,1.2) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPricePct2,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedBatBearishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedBatBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target ", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target ", "")) +"\n3- "+WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPrice3,1.2 ) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedBatTargetPricePct3,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedBatBearishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedBatBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedBatTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")),"")); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(CompletedGartleyBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Gartley Bullish (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedGartleyBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Gartley Bearish (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Completed Gartley Bullish Extended (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Completed Gartley Bearish Extended (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(CompletedGartleyBullishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBearishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended) { PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedGartleyTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPrice2,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedGartleyTargetPrice2, colorViolet ); PlotText("T3: "+WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPrice3,1.2),TargetPosition , CompletedGartleyTargetPrice3, colorViolet ); } } printf(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Gartley Bullish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nCompleted Gartley Bearish ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Gartley Bullish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nCompleted Gartley Bearish(Extended) ","" )); printf(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBullishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBearishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended OR CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct1 > 0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct1 < 0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n2- "+WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPrice2,1.2) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct2,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct2 > 0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct2 < 0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +"\n3- "+WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPrice3,1.2 ) + " ( " +WriteVal(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct3,1.2) +"%%) " +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct3 > 0 AND CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPattern, " Price Excceded Target", "")) +(WriteIf(CompletedGartleyTargetPricePct3 < 0 AND CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "")),"")); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } _SECTION_END(); //Eof Completed Harmonic Trader ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _SECTION_BEGIN("Developing Harmonic Trader"); Level_236 = 0.236; Level_382 = 0.382; Level_500 = 0.500; Level_618 = 0.618; Level_786 = 0.786; Level_886 = 0.886; Level_127 = 1.27; Level_1618 = 1.618; xa = Wave_4th ; ab = Wave_3rd ; bc = Wave_2nd ; Cd = Wave_1st ; ad = y1_1st - y1_4th ; A_price = y1_4th; D_price = Y1_1st; ab_of_xa = ab/xa ; bc_of_ab = bc/ab ; Cd_of_bc = Cd/bc ; ad_of_xa = ad/xa ; showlengthXABCD = ParamToggle("Show Side Length of XABCD ", "Yes|No" ); if (showlengthXABCD ==0) { printf(Separator); printf("\nDeveloping Pattern info:" ); printf("\nXA = "+xa ); printf("\nAB = "+ab + " ("+WriteVal(ab_of_xa,1.2)+"%% of XA)"); printf("\nBC = "+bc + " ("+WriteVal(bc_of_ab,1.2)+"%% of AB)"); printf("\nCD = "+Cd + " ("+WriteVal(Cd_of_bc,1.2)+"%% of BC)"); printf("\nAD = "+Cd + " ("+WriteVal(ad_of_xa,1.2)+"%% of XA)"); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LastSwingDays = x1_0th - x1_1st; HighSwing = y1_1st ; if(LastSwingDays == 0) HighSwing = y1_2nd ; LowSwing = y1_0th = LastValue(L); if(LowSwing > HighSwing) LowSwing = y1_0th = LastValue(H) ; if(LastSwingDays == 0 AND LowSwing < HighSwing ) LowSwing = y1_1st = LastValue(L); if(LastSwingDays == 0 AND LowSwing > HighSwing ) LowSwing = y1_1st = LastValue(H); Wave1 = y1_1st - y1_2nd ; if(LastSwingDays == 0) Wave1 = y1_2nd - y0_2nd ; wave0 = IIf(LowSwing > HighSwing, HighSwing-LowSwing, LowSwing - HighSwing ) ; if(LastSwingDays == 0) LastSwingDays = x1_1st- x1_2nd ; LastSwingDays = LastSwingDays + 1; FiboValue = wave0 / Wave1 *100; LastSwingPct = (LowSwing -HighSwing)/HighSwing*100; XX = x0_4th; XY = y0_4th; AX = x0_3rd; AY = y0_3rd; BX = x0_2nd; BY = y0_2nd; CX = x0_1st; CY = y0_1st; DX = x1_1st; DY = y1_1st; Tolerance = 0.1; ButterflyCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_786 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa <= Level_786 + Tolerance); ButterflyCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + Tolerance); ButterflyCondition3 = (ad_of_xa >= Level_236 - 0) AND (ad_of_xa <= Level_1618 ); ButterflyCondition4 = ad_of_xa > Level_1618 ; ButterflyCondition5 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_1618 ); ButterflyCondition6 = -ad_of_xa > Level_1618 ; DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition3 ; DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition4 ; DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition5 ; DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended = ButterflyCondition1 AND ButterflyCondition2 AND ButterflyCondition6 ; DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1 = IIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern , xa * Level_127 + A_price , A_price - xa * Level_127) ; DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2 = IIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern , xa * Level_1618 + A_price , A_price - xa * Level_1618) ; DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3 = IIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618, CD * Level_618 + D_price); DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4 = IIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127, CD * Level_127+ D_price); DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5 = IIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618, CD * Level_1618 + D_price); DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct1 = (DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct2 = (DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct3 = (DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct4 = (DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct5 = (DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Tolerance = 0.05; CrabCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa < Level_618 + Tolerance); CrabCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - 0.1) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + 0.1); CrabCondition3 = (ad_of_xa > Level_786 - 0.1) AND (ad_of_xa < Level_1618 ); CrabCondition4 = ad_of_xa > Level_1618; CrabCondition5 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_786 - Tolerance) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_1618 ); CrabCondition6 = -ad_of_xa > Level_1618; DevelopingCrabBearishPattern = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition3 ; DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition4 ; DevelopingCrabBullishPattern = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition5 ; DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended = CrabCondition1 AND CrabCondition2 AND CrabCondition6 ; DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1 = IIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPattern , xa * Level_127 + A_price , A_price - xa * Level_127) ; DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2 = IIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPattern , xa * Level_1618 + A_price , A_price - xa * Level_1618) ; DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3 = IIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618, CD * Level_618+ D_price); DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4 = IIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127 , CD * Level_127 + D_price); DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5 = IIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618, CD * Level_1618 + D_price); DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct1 = (DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct2 = (DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct3 = (DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct4 = (DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct5 = (DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Tolerance = 0.05; GartleyCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_618 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa < Level_618 + Tolerance); GartleyCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - 0.1) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + 0.1); GartleyCondition3 = (ad_of_xa > Level_236 - 0) AND (ad_of_xa < Level_786); GartleyCondition4 = ad_of_xa > Level_786 AND ad_of_xa < Level_1618; GartleyCondition5 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_786); GartleyCondition6 = -ad_of_xa > Level_786 AND -ad_of_xa < Level_1618 ; DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition3 ; DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition4 ; DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition5 ; DevelopingGartleyBullishPatternExtended = GartleyCondition1 AND GartleyCondition2 AND GartleyCondition6 ; DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1 = IIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern , xa * Level_786+ A_price , A_price - xa * Level_786) ; DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice3 = IIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618, CD * Level_618 + D_price); DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice4 = IIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127, CD * Level_127+ D_price); DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice5 = IIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618, CD * Level_1618 + D_price); DevelopingGartleyTargetPricePct1 = (DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingGartleyTargetPricePct3 = (DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingGartleyTargetPricePct4 = (DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice4 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingGartleyTargetPricePct5 = (DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice5 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Tolerance = 0.05; BatCondition1 = (ab_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (ab_of_xa < Level_500 + Tolerance); BatCondition2 = (bc_of_ab >= Level_382 - 0.1) AND (bc_of_ab <= Level_886 + 0.1); BatCondition3 = (ad_of_xa> Level_236 - 0) AND (ad_of_xa < Level_886); BatCondition4 = ad_of_xa > Level_886 AND ad_of_xa < Level_1618; BatCondition5 = (-ad_of_xa >= Level_382 - Tolerance) AND (-ad_of_xa <= Level_886); BatCondition6 = -ad_of_xa > Level_886 AND -ad_of_xa < Level_1618 ; DevelopingBatBearishPattern = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition3 ; DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition4 ; DevelopingBatBullishPattern = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition5 ; DevelopingBatBullishPatternExtended = BatCondition1 AND BatCondition2 AND BatCondition6 ; DevelopingBatTargetPrice1 = IIf(DevelopingBatBearishPattern , xa * Level_886+ A_price , A_price - xa * Level_886) ; DevelopingBatTargetPrice3 = IIf(DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_618 , CD * Level_618 + D_price); DevelopingBatTargetPrice4 = IIf(DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_127, CD * Level_127+ D_price); DevelopingBatTargetPrice5 = IIf(DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended , D_price - CD * Level_1618, CD * Level_1618+ D_price); DevelopingBatTargetPricePct1 = (DevelopingBatTargetPrice1 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingBatTargetPricePct3 = (DevelopingBatTargetPrice3 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingBatTargetPricePct4 = (DevelopingBatTargetPrice4 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; DevelopingBatTargetPricePct5 = (DevelopingBatTargetPrice5 - LastValue(C))/LastValue(C)*100; NoValidDevelopingPattern = DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingGartleyBullishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingBatBearishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingBatBullishPattern ==0 AND DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended ==0 AND DevelopingBatBullishPatternExtended ==0; ShowInvalidDevelopingPattern = ParamToggle("Show Also Invalid Pattern", "Show Pattern|Hide Pattern" ); x = y0_4th; y = y0_3rd; Bear = y0_4th > y0_3rd; TextPositionX = y0_4th * -.03; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionX = y0_4th * .01; if(TextPositionX > 1) TextPositionX = 1; if(TextPositionX < -1) TextPositionX = -1; TextPositionA = y0_3rd * .01; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionA = y0_3rd * -.05; if(TextPositionA > 1) TextPositionA = 1; if(TextPositionA < -1.5) TextPositionA = -1.5; TextPositionB = y0_2nd * -.03; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionB = y0_2nd * .01; if(TextPositionB > 1) TextPositionB = 1; if(TextPositionB < -1.5) TextPositionB = -1.5; TextPositionC = y0_1st * .01; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionC = y0_1st * -.05; if(TextPositionC > 1) TextPositionC = 1; if(TextPositionC < -1.5) TextPositionC = -1.5; TextPositionD = y1_1st * -.03; if(Bear == 1) TextPositionD = y1_1st * .01; if(TextPositionD > 1) TextPositionD = 1; if(TextPositionD < -1.5) TextPositionD = -1.5; Color1 = ParamColor("Color XABCD Main Line",colorGreen); ColorXB = ParamColor("Color XB Dashed Line",colorBlack); ColorAC = ParamColor("Color AC Dashed Line",colorBlack); ColorBD = ParamColor("Color BD Dashed Line",colorBlack); if (ShowInvalidDevelopingPattern ==0 OR NoValidDevelopingPattern ==0) { plus = 0; if(ShowInvalidCompletedPattern ==1 OR NoValidCompletedPattern ==0) plus = 0; else { PlotText("X",x0_4th , y0_4th +TextPositionX , colorViolet ); PlotText("A",x0_3rd , y0_3rd +TextPositionA , colorViolet ); PlotText("B",x0_2nd , y0_2nd +TextPositionB , colorViolet ); PlotText("C",x0_1st , y0_1st +TextPositionC , colorViolet ); PlotText("D",x1_1st , y1_1st +TextPositionD , colorViolet ); } Plot (LineArray(x0_4th + plus , y0_4th , x1_4th + plus , y1_4th ),"XA Top",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd + plus , y0_3rd , x1_3rd + plus , y1_3rd ),"AB",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_2nd + plus , y0_2nd , x1_2nd + plus , y1_2nd ),"BC",Color1,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_1st + plus , y0_1st , x1_1st + plus , y1_1st ),"CD",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x1_1st + plus , y1_1st , x1_0th + plus , y1_0th ),"DE",colorViolet ,styleLine + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_3rd , y1_3rd ),"XB",ColorXB , styleDashed + styleNoTitle); } printf(WriteIf(NoValidDevelopingPattern ,"\n\nNo valid Developing Harmonic Pattern is available","" ) ); HeaderTextPosition = 15; XXBtextPosition = (bx - xx)/2 + xx; YXBtextPosition = (by - xy)/2 + xy ; XACtextPosition = (cx - ax)/2 + ax; YACtextPosition = (cy - ay)/2 + ay; XBDtextPosition = (dx - bx)/2 + bx; YBDtextPosition = (dy - by)/2 + by; XXDtextPosition = (dx - xx)/2 + xx; YXDtextPosition = (dy - xy)/2 + xy; if(NoValidTrend >= 2 OR NoValidTrend == 1 AND _x0_5th == 0 ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("No Valid Pattern or Trend ", 300 , 15); } if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(NoValidCompletedPattern ==1 AND NoValidDevelopingPattern ==1) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("No Valid Pattern or Trend", 300 , 15); } } if (ShowInvalidDevelopingPattern ==0 OR NoValidDevelopingPattern ==0) { if (ShowLabels ==0 ) { PlotText(WriteVal(ab_of_xa*100,1.1),XXBtextPosition , YXBtextPosition , colorViolet ); PlotText(WriteVal(bc_of_ab*100,1.1),XACtextPosition , YACtextPosition , colorViolet ); PlotText(WriteVal(cd_of_bc*100,1.1),XBDtextPosition , YBDtextPosition , colorViolet ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Butterfly Bullish (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Butterfly Bearish (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Butterfly Bullish(Extended) (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Butterfly Bearish(Extended) (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) ","")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ,"\n2- "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct2,1.2) +"%%) ","")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2 AND DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct3,1.2) +"%%) " +WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3 AND DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +"\n2- "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4,1.2) + " ( " +WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct4,1.2) +"%%) " +WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4 AND DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +"\n3- "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5,1.2 ) + " ( " +WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPricePct5,1.2) +"%%) " +WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5 AND DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5 AND DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", ""),"")); /*-------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowSuppRes1 ==0 ) { Plot (LineArray(x0_4th + plus , y0_4th , BarCount , y0_4th ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_2nd + plus , y0_2nd , BarCount , y0_2nd ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_3rd , y1_3rd,1 ),"XB",ColorXB , styleDashed + styleNoTitle); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_2nd,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_2nd, colorViolet ); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_4th ,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_4th , colorViolet ); } if(y1_1st > y1_3rd AND y1_2nd < y1_1st OR y1_1st < y1_3rd AND y1_2nd > y1_1st OR ShowSuppRes1 ==1) Plot (LineArray(x0_2nd + plus , y1_3rd , x1_1st+ plus , y1_1st ),"BD",ColorBD, styleDashed + styleNoTitle); if(y1_1st < y1_3rd AND y1_2nd > y1_1st OR y1_1st > y1_3rd AND y1_2nd < y1_1st OR ShowSuppRes2 ==1) Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd , y0_3rd , x1_2nd , y1_2nd ),"AC",ColorAC , styleDashed + styleNoTitle); if(y1_1st <= y1_3rd AND y1_5th <= y1_3rd AND y1_1st < y1_2nd OR y1_1st >= y1_3rd AND y1_5th >= y1_3rd AND y1_1st > y1_2nd ) { Plot (LineArray(x0_4th , y0_4th , x1_1st , y1_1st ),"XD",ColorXB , styleDashed +styleNoTitle); if(ShowLabels ==0 ) PlotText(WriteIf(ad_of_xa<0, WriteVal(-ad_of_xa*100,1.2),WriteVal(ad_of_xa*100,1.2) ),XXDtextPosition , YXDtextPosition , colorViolet ); } if (ShowSuppRes2 ==0 ) { Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd + plus , y0_3rd , BarCount , y0_3rd ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_1st + plus , y0_1st , BarCount , y0_1st ),"SuppResist",Color1 ,Linestyle1 + styleNoTitle); Plot (LineArray(x0_3rd , y0_3rd , x1_2nd , y1_2nd,1 ),"AC",ColorAC , styleDashed + styleNoTitle); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_1st ,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_1st , colorViolet ); PlotText("SR:: "+WriteVal(y0_3rd ,1.2),TargetPosition , y0_3rd , colorViolet ); } if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Developing Butterfly Bullish (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Developing Butterfly Bearish (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Developing Butterfly Bullish Extended (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Developing Butterfly Bearish Extended (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ) PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); if(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ) PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice2, colorViolet ); if(DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended ) { PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice3, colorViolet ); PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice4, colorViolet ); PlotText("T3: "+WriteVal(DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingButterflyTargetPrice5, colorViolet ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Crab Bullish (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Crab Bearish (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Crab Bullish(Extended) (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Crab Bearish(Extended) (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern OR DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) ","")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern OR DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ,"\n2- "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct2,1.2) +"%%) ","")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended OR DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +"\n1- "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct3,1.2) +"%%) " +WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +"\n2- "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4,1.2) + " ( " +WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct4,1.2) +"%%) " +WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +"\n3- "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5,1.2 ) + " ( " +WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPricePct5,1.2) +"%%) " +WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5 AND DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", "") +WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5 AND DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended , " Price Excceded Target", ""),"")); /*-------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Developing Crab Bullish (Sell)", 300 , 15); HeaderTextPosition = 30; } if(DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Developing Crab Bearish (Buy)", 300 , 15); HeaderTextPosition = 30; } if(DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Developing Crab Bullish Extended (Buy)", 300 , 15); } if(DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Developing Crab Bearish Extended (Sell)", 300 , 15); } if(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern OR DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ) PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingCrabTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); if(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern OR DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ) PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingCrabTargetPrice2, colorViolet ); if(DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended OR DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended ) { PlotText("T1: "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingCrabTargetPrice3, colorViolet ); PlotText("T2: "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingCrabTargetPrice4, colorViolet ); PlotText("T3: "+WriteVal(DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingCrabTargetPrice5, colorViolet ); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf(WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Gartley Bullish (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Gartley Bearish (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Gartley Bullish(Extended) (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Gartley Bearish(Extended) (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern OR DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +" "+WriteVal(DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingGartleyTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) ","")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); /*-------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Developing Gartley Bullish (Sell)", 300 , HeaderTextPosition ); } if(DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Developing Gartley Bearish (Buy)", 300 , HeaderTextPosition ); } if(DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern OR DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern ) PlotText("T: "+WriteVal(DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingGartleyTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ printf(WriteIf(DevelopingBatBullishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Bat Bullish (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingBatBearishPattern ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Bat Bearish (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingBatBullishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Bat Bullish(Extended) (Buy)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended ,Separator +"\nDeveloping Bat Bearish(Extended) (Sell)","" )); printf(WriteIf(DevelopingBatBullishPattern OR DevelopingBatBearishPattern ,"\nClosing Price: "+WriteVal(LastValue(C),1.2)+"\nTarget Price:" +" "+WriteVal(DevelopingBatTargetPrice1,1.2 ) + " (" +WriteVal(DevelopingBatTargetPricePct1,1.2) +"%%) ","")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) < DevelopingBatTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingBatBullishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); printf(WriteIf(LastValue(C) > DevelopingBatTargetPrice1 AND DevelopingBatBearishPattern , " Price Excceded Target", "")); } /*-------------------------------------------*/ if (ShowAnalysisOnMainScreen ==0 ) { if(DevelopingBatBullishPattern) { GfxSetTextColor(colorRed); GfxTextOut("Developing Bat Bullish (Sell)", 300 , HeaderTextPosition ); } if(DevelopingBatBearishPattern ) { GfxSetTextColor(colorGreen); GfxTextOut("Developing Bat Bearish (Buy)", 300 , HeaderTextPosition ); } if(DevelopingBatBullishPattern OR DevelopingBatBearishPattern ) PlotText("T: "+WriteVal(DevelopingBatTargetPrice1,1.2),TargetPosition , DevelopingBatTargetPrice1, colorViolet ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ dispFiboSwing=0; if(dispFiboSwing==1) { printf("\n\nLast Swing analysis: "); printf("\nLength (Bars) = "+LastSwingDays ); printf("\nFiboValue = "+WriteVal(FiboValue,1.2) ); printf("\nPct = "+ WriteVal(LastSwingPct,1.2)+"%%"); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ _SECTION_END(); //Eof Developing Harmonic Trader //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Filter = 1 ;//BuyBBand OR sellBBand ; P = ((H + L + C) / 3); R1 = ((2 * P) - L); S1 = ((2 * P) - H); R2 = ((P - S1) + R1); S2 = (P - (R1 - S1)); AddTextColumn( FullName(), "Name"); AddColumn( Close, "Close" ); AddTextColumn(WriteVal(ZigzagChange,1.0)+WriteIf(FindLastTrueHiLow,"N","Y")+WriteIf(ReReadPattern ,"N","Y") , "Zig" ); // AddColumn( Date() , "date" ); //FindLastTrueHiLow = ParamToggle("Find Last True Hi Low ", "Yes|No" ); //ReReadPattern = ParamToggle("Re-Read Pattern ", "Yes|No" ); AddTextColumn( WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern ,"S Butter Fly Bull", WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPattern ,"B Butter Fly Bear", WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBullishPatternExtended ,"B Butter Fly Bull Extended", WriteIf(DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended ,"S Butter Fly Bear Extended", WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern ,"S Gartley Bull", WriteIf(DevelopingGartleyBearishPattern ,"B Gartley Bear", WriteIf(DevelopingBatBullishPattern ,"S Bat Bull", WriteIf(DevelopingBatBearishPattern ,"B Bat Bear", WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPattern ,"S Crab Bull", WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPattern ,"B Crab Bear", WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBullishPatternExtended ,"B Crab Bull Extended", WriteIf(DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended ,"S Crab Bear Extended", "")))))))))))),"Developing Gartley",1.2, IIf( DevelopingButterflyBullishPattern OR DevelopingButterflyBearishPatternExtended OR DevelopingCrabBearishPatternExtended OR DevelopingCrabBullishPattern OR DevelopingGartleyBullishPattern OR DevelopingGartleyBearishPatternExtended OR DevelopingBatBullishPattern OR DevelopingBatBearishPatternExtended ,colorRed,colorGreen)); AddTextColumn( WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBullishPattern ,"B Butter Fly Bull", WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPattern ,"S Butter Fly Bear", WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBullishPatternExtended ,"B Butter Fly Bull Extended", WriteIf(CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended ,"S Butter Fly Bear Extended", WriteIf(CompletedCrabBullishPattern ,"B Crab Bull", WriteIf(CompletedCrabBearishPattern ,"S Crab Bear", WriteIf(CompletedCrabBullishPatternExtended ,"B Crab Bull Extended", WriteIf(CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended ,"S Crab Bear Extended", WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBullishPattern ,"B Gartley Bull", WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPattern ,"S Gartley Bear", WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBullishPatternExtended ,"B Gartley Bull Extended", WriteIf(CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended ,"S Gartley Bear Extended", WriteIf(CompletedBatBullishPattern ,"B Bat Bull", WriteIf(CompletedBatBearishPattern ,"S Bat Bear", WriteIf(CompletedBatBullishPatternExtended ,"B Bat Bull Extended", WriteIf(CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended ,"S Bat Bear Extended", "")))))))))))))))),"Completed Gartley",1.2, IIf( CompletedButterflyBullishPattern OR CompletedButterflyBearishPatternExtended OR CompletedCrabBullishPattern OR CompletedCrabBearishPatternExtended OR CompletedGartleyBullishPattern OR CompletedGartleyBearishPatternExtended OR CompletedBatBullishPattern OR CompletedBatBearishPatternExtended ,colorRed,colorGreen)); _SECTION_BEGIN("Basic Chart"); if(BringPatternToFront ==0) { Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ),ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); } _SECTION_END(); //Eof Basic Chart _SECTION_BEGIN("Volume"); PlotVol = ParamToggle("Plot Volume ", "Yes|No" ); VolumeHeight = 7 - Param("Volume Height", 4, 0, 6, 0.1); if(PlotVol ==0) Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram ), VolumeHeight ); _SECTION_END();
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