Overbought Oversold Price Action Crossover |
//www.aflcode.com SetChartOptions ( 0, chartShowArrows|chartShowDates ); _SECTION_BEGIN ("Price Chart"); _N (Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}}- {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} O= %g, H= %g, L= %g, C= %g (%.1f%%) V= " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +"\n{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC ( C, 1 )) )); PriceStyle = GetPriceStyle(); PriceStyleOpt = ParamStyle("Price Style")|PriceStyle; if (PriceStyle==styleCandle) Plot( C, "", colorBlack, PriceStyleOpt); else Plot( C, "", IIf( Close >= Ref(C, -1), colorBlue, colorRed ), PriceStyleOpt); _SECTION_END (); _SECTION_BEGIN ("BW Alligator"); /*** The trend indicators ***/ P= ParamList("Price", "Close|(H+L)/2|(H+C+L)/3",1); if (P=="Close") A = C; else if (P=="(H+C+L)/3") A = (H+C+L)/ 3; else A = (H+L)/ 2; AlligatorJaw = Ref(Wilders(A,13),-8); AlligatorTeeth = Ref(Wilders(A,8), -5); AlligatorLips = Ref(Wilders(A,5), -3); Plot (AlligatorJaw, "Jaw", ParamColor("Jaw's Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle ("Jaw's Style", styleThick)); Plot (AlligatorTeeth,"Teeth", ParamColor("Teeth's Color",colorRed), ParamStyle ("Teeth's Style", styleThick)); Plot (AlligatorLips, "Lips", ParamColor("Lips's Color",colorGreen), ParamStyle ("Lips's Style", styleThick)); _SECTION_END (); _SECTION_BEGIN ("BW Fractal"); CondUpFractal = ( Ref(H,-2)<H AND Ref(H,-1)<H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR ( Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)<H AND Ref(H,-1)==H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR ( Ref(H,-4)<H AND Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)==H AND Ref(H,-1)==H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR ( Ref(H,-4)<H AND Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)==H AND Ref(H,-1)==H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR ( Ref(H,-6)<H AND Ref(H,-5)<H AND Ref(H,-4)==H AND Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)==H AND Ref(H,-1)<H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H); UpFractal = ValueWhen(CondUpFractal,H,1); PlotShapes (CondUpFractal*shapeSmallCircle,colorGreen,Layer=0,UpFractal,Offset=0); CondDownFractal = ( Ref(L,-2)>L AND Ref(L,-1)>L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR ( Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)>L AND Ref(L,-1)==L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR ( Ref(L,-4)>L AND Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)==L AND Ref(L,-1)==L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR ( Ref(L,-4)>L AND Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)==L AND Ref(L,-1)==L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR ( Ref(L,-6)>L AND Ref(L,-5)>L AND Ref(L,-4)==L AND Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)==L AND Ref(L,-1)>L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L); DownFractal = ValueWhen(CondDownFractal,L,1); PlotShapes (CondDownFractal*shapeSmallCircle,colorRed,Layer=0,DownFractal,Offset=0); PlotShapes (Cross(C,UpFractal)*shapeUpArrow,colorGreen,Layer=0,L); PlotShapes (Cross(DownFractal,C)*shapeDownArrow,colorRed,Layer=0,H); //== Added Crash crashandburn59 [at] hotmail.com solution Plot (Ref(UpFractal,2), "Up Fractal", ParamColor("Up Fractal Color",colorRed), ParamStyle ("Up Fractal Style", styleDashed)); Plot (Ref(DownFractal,2), "Down Fractal",ParamColor("Down Fractal Color ",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Down Fractal Style", styleDashed)); //Plot(Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2)), "Up Fractal", ParamColor("Up Fractal Color",colorRed), ParamStyle("Up Fractal Style", styleDashed)); //Plot(Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2)), "Down Fractal",ParamColor("Down Fractal Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Down Fractal Style", styleDashed)); _SECTION_END (); _SECTION_BEGIN ("Exploration"); /* Buy: Scan stocks only breakout..maxbreakout (1~30%, default) and Trend is bullish Sell: Scan stocks only breakout..maxbreakout (1~30%, default) and Trend is bearish */ //== Price Increment Value - depend on different country Inc = 0.1; //== Set the Price Range for stock to scan PriceFrom = Param("Price From:", 5, 0.1, 200, Inc); PriceTo = Param("Price To:", 100, 0.1, 200, Inc); MaxBreakOut = Param("Max Breakout (%)", 5, 1, 30); MaxBreakOut = MaxBreakOut/ 100; Buy = C>UpFractal AND C<=(1+MaxBreakOut)*UpFractal AND AlligatorTeeth>AlligatorJaw AND V>0; Sell = C<DownFractal AND C>=(1-MaxBreakOut)*DownFractal AND AlligatorTeeth<AlligatorJaw; Filter = (Buy OR Sell) AND (C>=PriceFrom AND C<=PriceTo) AND V>0; //= (Buy OR Sell) AND (C>=PriceFrom AND C<=PriceTo) AND V>0; AddTextColumn (FullName(), "Security", 1.0, colorDefault, colorDefault, 200); AddTextColumn ( WriteIf(Buy,"Buy", WriteIf(Sell, "Sell", "")), "Trade", 1.0); AddColumn ( UpFractal, "Up Fratal"); AddColumn ( DownFractal, "Down Fratal"); //AddColumn( MA(V,3)/EMA(V,17), "MAV(3/17)"); AddColumn ( C, "Today's Close"); _SECTION_END ();
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