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// _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); TimeFrameSet( in1Minute ); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel",colorGrey40)); // color of outer border SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorGrey40),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack)); SetBarFillColor(IIf(O>C,24,19)); Plot(C,"Price",IIf(O>C,32,34),64); _N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) )); Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); if( ParamToggle("Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) ) { ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ))); } _SECTION_END(); _SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday "); k = Optimize("K",Param("K",1.75,1,5,0.25),1,5,0.25); Per= Optimize("atr",Param("atr",10,3,30,1),3,30,1); j=(O+H+L+C)/4; nm= (H-L); rfsctor = WMA(nm, PER); revers = K * rfsctor; Trend = 1; NW[0] = 0; for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++) { if(Trend[i-1] == 1) { if(j[i] < NW[i-1]) { Trend[i] = -1; NW[i] = j[i] + Revers[i]; } else { Trend[i] = 1; if((j[i] - Revers[i]) > NW[i-1]) { NW[i] = j[i] - Revers[i]; } else { NW[i] = NW[i-1]; } } } if(Trend[i-1] == -1) { if(j[i] > NW[i-1]) { Trend[i] = 1; NW[i] = j[i] - Revers[i]; } else { Trend[i] = -1; if((j[i] + Revers[i]) < NW[i-1]) { NW[i] = j[i] + Revers[i]; } else { NW[i] = NW[i-1]; } } } } Plot(NW, "", IIf(Trend == 1, 6, 4), 4); //---------------trading ------------- //tt=C> EMA(C, 20); //uu=C<EMA(C, 20); Buy=Cross(j,nw) ; Sell=Cross(nw,j); Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorSkyblue, 0,Low,-15); PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeHollowDownArrow, shapeNone),colorLightYellow, 0,High,-15); dist = 2*ATR(9); //0.8 dist1 = 2*ATR(9); //1.2 SetTradeDelays( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); BuyPrice=ValueWhen(Buy, C); SellPrice=ValueWhen(Sell, C); p1=LastValue(C)-BuyPrice; p2=SellPrice-LastValue(C); //BuyPrice = SellPrice = Open; NewDay = Day()!= Ref(Day(), -1); Filter=NewDay; Filter=Status("lastbarinrange"); Filter=Buy OR Sell ;//AND Interval(in5Minute) ; //Filter=TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum() <= 233000 ; //Filter= 1; // Filter=DateTime(); SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True); AddTextColumn(Name(), "Symbol", 77, colorDefault, colorDefault, 120); AddColumn(DateTime(), "Trigger Date", formatDateTime, 1); AddColumn(TimeNum() ,"Time",1, 75); AddColumn(IIf(Buy, 66, 83), "Signal", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(Buy, colorGreen, colorRed)); AddColumn(IIf(Buy, BuyPrice, SellPrice), "Entry", 6.4, colorDefault, colorTan); AddColumn(LastValue(C),"CMP",6.4,colorDefault,colorTan); AddColumn(IIf(Buy, p1, p2), "PP", 6.4, colorDefault,colorTan); TimeFrameRestore();
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