Hull Moving Average

How to use Hull Moving Average Amibroker afl?

Hull Moving Average is getting very popular now a days. Hull Moving Average is slightly different than other moving averages. 39 period hull moving average can be used as dynamic support resistance. Higher and lower period Hull Moving Average crossover is one of the most reliable trading strategy. Hull Moving Average Can be used with any chart. Hull Moving Average is also used to determine trend.

Hull Moving Average
Hull Moving Average

Period = Param("Period:", 20, 1, 200);
SqrtPeriod = sqrt(Param("Square Root of Period:", 4, 1, 20));

HullMA = WMA(2 * WMA(C, Period / 2) - WMA(C, Period), SqrtPeriod);
Plot(HullMa, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Hull Moving Average Color", colorRed));

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